Monday, June 7, 2010

A time of Reflection

Well it has been quite some time since I last wrote in this thing. And to say a lot has happened since then would be an understatement of the greatest proportion. I have lost my job! I am sure you all know that by now, but in the off chance someone is reading this on the Internet, I am informing them.
I have not been unemployed since 1989, and then for only two weeks while we moved back up to Salt Lake from Las Vegas after school. This is a really weird feeling. I am not used to it.
Luckily I am taking this opportunity to go back to school and finish my degree in Respiratory Therapy. After this I want to pursue a master's in Health Services Administration. My goal is to put my self in a position that as few people as possible have control over my life and job. Time will tell if I am successful.
I loss my job because the company that I helped to form after leaving the U (I worked there for almost 15 years) was bought out by another company from Indiana. They decided that they could use someone else to manage the place.
Now I don't like not having a job, but I have to be honest. I don't think I would have lasted long there anyway. I did not like this new company, nor the way they went about doing business. I felt they were unethical in much of what they were wanting to do. I tried standing up to them to try and protect my people and try and be as ethical as I know we should be. It seems they didn't like this much, so out on my rear I went. Some would call me a fool for losing my job in this manner. By not agreeing readily with everything they wanted to do, it jeopardized my job. And having a job is really important, especially in these times.
I just couldn't do it. I had worked for seven years building a company that had a growing respect and acknowledgement in the community for doing things the right way and in an ethical manner. I just couldn't sit by and watch them throw it all away.
So time will tell whether I made a wise choice. Will the future hold bigger and better things for me and my family. We'll see.
Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of me and my family. This is a big change for us and it might require even bigger changes before it all works out. I love ya!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Frustration is a peculiar thing. It can build up and build up to where the thing that you are frustrated by can seem to envelope your world. This has been true with me lately. Two things have been really frustrating to me of late...Work and Politics. Each for there own reason they have been, well, frustrating to me. I could probably write a complete entry on just how mad and frustrated I am over Congress lately. But I won't.
Instead I want to focus on how, particularly at this time of year, we should look past the frustration at what really matters.
Are you healthy? Do you have a home? Do you have a job? Do you have friends? Do you have family who love you and care about you? Do you have Freedom...freedom to chose what you want to eat...freedom to chose what you want to wear.....freedom to chose where you live, how you work, what you do....Freedom to chose who you pray to, if you will pray?
These are only a few of the real questions we should be asking and concerned about. I am sooo grateful..grateful for what I have. Frustration can sometimes rob us of this.
Frustration is like mistakes. Easy to focus on at the expense of everything else. We need to take great care not to define others by their mistakes or the situation by the frustration we feel during it.
Today I have had to step back several times...take a deep breath...exhale....and remember I can let this define me or not. I can let frustration at others, my perception of their incompetence, ruin my day or not.
We have all heard the story of George Washington crossing the Delaware in December. Remember the picture...we all have seen it. George Washington standing majestically at the bow of the boat, tri-cornered hat upon his head. Gazing forward in triumphant glory.
Most don't know the whole story.
The Continental Army had suffered several defeats over the preceding months, once literally escaping between enemy ships while crossing the east river, after they had abandoned all artillery and most of their supplies. Twice forced to leave their food behind. The Army suffering disease and death and desertion dropping from a force of 6,000 men in August to 2,500 men in December. Half of them with no shoes and clothes threadbare. Infested with body lice, sleeping in manure to keep warm as it decomposes, eating nothing for days and then anything that would come their way. This is the scene leading up to this assault across the Delaware.
Washington had planned a last ditch effort to over take the German mercenaries in New Jersey and the British troops stationed North of them. He had to do this, because as of January 1st most of his Army's enlistments were up and the Army would disband and the Revolution would be over. He literally had to risk everything in order to hopefully get a victory to inspire his men to reenlist so the war for freedom could then continue. The password for that night, to distinguish friend from foe....Victory or Death! Chosen on purpose to motivate the men as to the dire situation the Army and Revolution were in.
So, you had a starving, sick, threadbare Army with little supplies, going up against a well fed, well supplied defensively positioned enemy. Who were considered among the best soldiers in the world.
George Washington planned that the Continental Army would start moving out December 25th, cross the river, and attack the enemy in the middle of the night catching them by surprise. He supposed this was the only way they could possibly stand even a remote chance of victory. He himself planned to die that night.
December 25th came, and with it a growing darkening sky. By the time the troops were to start crossing the river it was a full blizzard, a true Nor-east er was blowing. The river now had large ice blocks floating down it. The roads had turned to freezing slimy mud as bare foot soldiers marched along it. Everyone, including Washington's staff, thought the attack would be called off. The weather was too fierce, too bad, too cold for a threadbare Army with no shoes. It would take several additional hours to cross in this weather, unplanned for hours. Frustrating hours.
Indeed, Washington received news that a third of the attacking Army, stationed 40 miles to the south would not be crossing and engaging the enemy because of the storm.
Now there would be even fewer men! Frustratingly fewer. Dangerously fewer.
What frustration filled this scene. All thought God against them. All but one. Washington prayed to God and thanked him for the storm. He saw in this storm a divinely delivered way that he could win this battle. Because NO ONE thought anyone would be out on a night such as this.
So as freezing, starving, bare foot men, marched. Crossing an icy river. Dragging 1 and 2 ton cannons into and out of boats. Along muddy roads. Slipping, breaking bones, crushing feet. Frustration ever present. Moving slowly...too slowly, much too slowly for the sun would be up soon. A commander found grace in the freezing snow and gave thanks for it. He would not let frustration win the fight or rule the night. He did his part and kept moving forward. While an enemy thought all was calm. No one would be out on a night like this.
We all know the rest!
I have had to remember this story today! To put things in perspective.....the right perspective. Remember the questions I asked earlier? Are you loved? I am. Do I have Freedom? Yes. Will I get to chose what I eat today? Yes. Am I warm? Yes.
Thanks be to GOD!

Friday, November 20, 2009

We Must make a Stand for what is Right!

I am Amazed! Amazed at how we have lost our way as a country. The famous words spoken by John F. Kennedy have been forgotten..."Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." These are not just words. They are the sentiment behind the greatness that has lead this country forward for over two hundred years. For generations the understanding and feeling of sacrifice for the betterment of the country was part of our moral fiber. With great sadness, yet full of pride, wives and parents said goodbye to their sons, and more recently daughters, as they went off to defend the needs and interests of this great land.

This seems to be no longer the case. We have arrived at a place where people can stand willingly in line for several hours for "free" money handed out by the government with no thought at all for where that money came from or what price you are paying for it. The chant "Obama..Obama" can be heard in these lines as though he is some great savior sent to redeem these people from some aweful unfairness. Blindly they follow him with outstretched arms to receive the crumbs falling from his beneficent hands. Like Hansel and Gretel being lead to the ovens while gorging themselves on the "free" goodies provided.

We have reached a place where common decency and a genuine caring for those truly unable to care for themselves no longer satiate our hunger. With good intentions we started programs to help those truly deserving. With great speed the corruption of these programs followed as politicians learned, what Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin warned against, that votes are more easily won by giving from the treasury than by hard decisions and doing what is right for the country. To HELL with the consequences.

We have reached those consequences. We have a debt that can no longer be sustained. We are not talking "choose" to sustain it, but actually, literally cannot sustain it. Just as the Soviet Union fell, not by invasion, but by the laws of economics. We have reached that end. We have a choice to make. We can either do what is right for the country or not. We can make a decision that will leave Freedom and this great Country as an inheritance to our children or we can worry about "what's in it for us". Please take a stand.

I have sent the follwing letter to all of my Representatives. Please, if you agree with me then send your own letter expressing your views and concerns. Become involved. Let them know you will be involved in either their re-election or their defeat. Please....Please....Stand Up!

Dear Senator,
I am writing you to voice my great concern about the upcoming vote concerning Healthcare. I have been in the healthcare industry for over twenty years. Never have I been concerned about the future of healthcare in America until now.

With lightening speed it seems that forces have conspired to not only demonize those in the field of medicine, but the industry itself. They use entities such as the AMA and AARP as examples of the good that this bill contains. They do not publicize the fact that only 17% of all physicians are members of the AMA, they do not speak for physicians, in fact quite the opposite. AARP supports this bill because they are poised to make billions off of providing the now mandatory Medicare Gap insurance. To say they support the bill for any other reasons is disingenuous. Otherwise they would not hide the fact of their making Billions off of the changes.

I know dozens of physicians, from all walks of life and specialties, and to almost a person they agree that with the passing of this bill up to 25% of physicians will retire. It is almost a certainty that 10-15% would retire within 6 months. This would be not only a devastating blow to the healthcare system in terms of waiting times and providing for the sick and injured. But this would add to the unemployment rate of the country as tens of thousands of office staff and support people would be laid off from physician offices that close down. I know this to be true as this is the plan in the office I manage. We would have no choice; if the physician leaves there is no business.

With the retirement of these physicians we would lose the vast majority of the physicians with the greatest amount of experience and knowledge. These are the physicians who have been out of school long enough to pay back their loans and make their money. These are the teaching physicians! This would leave physicians to fill our Emergency rooms and surgical suites who have the least amount of experience to deal with a growing elderly population.

I cannot express how concerned and frightened I am for the future of this Country. This is not what the Founders envisioned. Politicians long ago learned that in order to keep their power all they needed to do was give the people they represented money. They do this by giving one entitlement program after another to the people. Instead of making the tough decisions and telling the people no, like parents of spoiled children they consistently say yes, when the best interest of the child is a strong NO. You are as much to blame concerning this as all the rest.

However, I am writing now in hopes that the lessons have been learned. The spoiled child has run amuck. He is in trouble with the law, the law of economics. The country is literally about to implode, succumbing to its own debt. Let me please remind you that every great country or empire in the past failed not from military conquest but by internal failings, most often economic collapse.

For some reason, lost to me, people seem to think that America will always be here. That we as citizens and elected representatives can do whatever we want and somehow it will not have lasting consequences to the country and the stability of it. The Soviet Union fell by economics not an invasion. We can literally destroy this country. Ask the Romans, Syrians, Greeks, Persians, Britain, Spain, it is very possible for countries to collapse, for empires to cease to exist, for greatness to dwindle.

Senator, unless you vote no to this legislation and continue to vote no to spending, not just diminishing the amount of money, but actually say no more money. We too as a country will fail. The beginnings are already in the works. You have been elected to represent me and my family, as with all the families of Utah. Please sir, do your job and vote no to this bill.

I would quake in my boots and not sleep well at night if I thought that due to my actions and pursuit of power I was involved with the failing of the greatest country that has ever existed. It is more than about you, represent the people who sent you to Washington and vote no to any more spending.


Jeffrey D. Wood