Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The loss of Words

I have not written in my blog for awhile, quite frankly because I didn't know what to say. That is not to say that there wasn't a lot going on worthy of commentary. More along the lines of "overload"! Overload of how fast things can turn, often for the worse.

I am absolutely amazed at the speed of which things are changing. And I am sadden by it. Never did I think in my youth that I would see this. I just saw an episode of "My three sons", how I long for those days in which we had civil respect and duty. Something in my soul whispers to me there is a purpose behind this, although I'm not entirely sure as to what that may be. I know there have been periods in history where it seems the forces for evil and wrong have moved swiftly, feeling as though their opportunity to instill their vision, plans and will was limited. I think this is one of those times.

Things in Washington D.C. never turn backwards. We can all see the incredible spending and waste that the Federal Government has committed in the areas of education and welfare. And yet these programs are never trimmed back or cut, they are only added too. I think this is what is fueling this time in Washington. (Funny, I believe if George Washington were alive today and saw how things were being done in the city that bears his name, he would immediately sue to have it renamed) The Liberals who have taken over know that their time is limited. They can only do so much and the people will speak and speak out loudly, so knowing this they have to work fast, very fast. Because once passed, once enacted, there will be no turning back.

This is why it is so very important to stay vigilant, focused on what Washington and your Representatives are doing.

The framers of "OUR" Constitution and Country gave us a gift, such a priceless gift that I feel we are not truly aware of it's value most of the time. They gave us Freedom to have Self Determination. Think of it, never before in human history has this happened in as much completeness as it did then....and now. Also, think of it, isn't this the very thing that GOD himself said was inviolate and a war fought over. Freedom to have Self Determination!

Benjamin Franklin was asked after the Constitutional Convention was over, what form of government did the framers give us. He responded...A Republic.....If you can keep it.
He knew that a Republic is the most precious of forms of government. It allows for the greatest amount of Freedom and Self Determination. And yet it also requires the greatest amount of oversight and involvement by its people. This is why so many of our framers were quoted as saying in essence. "It is up to the people to stay educated and informed in order to preserve this form of government and their freedoms". It is up to us to "keep it".

Please I beg of all who read this. Go and purchase, if you can't afford it let me know and I will buy you one, and have your friends purchase one, Glenn Beck's newest book: Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine. I am reading this book and it is inspired! I would want every one to read this book. The government is out of control and it is because we have fallen asleep and not kept up our end of the bargain. Brave men and women will die and suffer to give us the gift of freedom and self determination. But it is up to us to watch over and supervise those who represent us. We have let others do the heavy lifting.

Enough is Enough. Won't you Stand Up with me and take back our Constitution and "keep" the Republic that George Washington and Ben Franklin and the others gave us. STAND UP!

1 comment:

Carla said...

Ummmm...yeah, I can't afford that book, so...(hehehe). ;)

A very thoughtful post, brother. I LOVE your quotes from the founding fathers that you always throw in a post! I'd never thought about it that way before--how Washington never turns back. Sad.

And, I'm not so sure George Washington would be the "sueing" type? ;)